For a stronger and buttery-smooth single action, contact Munden Enterprises and order Munden’s Six-Gun Magic by Jeff Ault OPTION #1, which is perfect for most types of shooting including Cowboy Action Shooting, Cowboy Fast Draw, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Target Shooting, Rolling Cans and, other shooting sports as long as you don’t plan to fan your gun. The ability to fan the gun requires OPTION #2 work, which is a Munden Premier Action.

Six-Gun Magic Custom Gun Work OPTION #1 is NOT just a tune-up. After Jeff sets up your gun, it will shoot better immediately and have a dramatically longer life.
A stock, single-action revolver is just not ready for hard use and can be damaged quite easily — and Fast-Drawing a stock gun using the fanning method will, without question, destroy the lock work and ruin the frame in short order. If you plan to Fast Draw using the fanning method, you really should talk to Jeff about OPTION #2, which is a Munden Premier Action. Call for price on Option #2 gun work on your Colt SAA.
Munden’s Six-Gun Magic OPTION #1 is perfect for most types of shooting and includes:
- A Fine, buttery-smooth action job
- A crisp trigger pull of 2-3 lbs (Customer requests within reason, but Jeff will not do ultra-light triggers)
- Highly specialized timing, crowning and fitting of the locking bolt
When building OPTION #1 on Colts, Rugers or Colt Clones, Jeff does not use kits. He replaces the main spring and the bolt and trigger spring, with custom springs.
Bob Munden Personally Taught Jeff
How to Make Six-Gun Magic
When doing OPTION #1 customization on Colts or Clones, Jeff automatically makes the flat main spring adjustable. Jeff times, centers, fits and crowns (What Bob called this alteration,) the bolt to ensure positive lock up and protect the locks on the cylinder from damage. Jeff eliminates creep and makes the trigger pull nice and crisp. Another step in making the action silky smooth, Jeff hones and polishes the internal parts for maximum efficiency.
If you are really serious, OPTION #1 work can be expanded for even better performance. What we offer are major upgrades that eliminate breakdowns. Request Munden’s Coil Hand Spring Conversion, which is NOT a kit, or Munden’s Coil Main Spring Conversion, which also, is not a kit. The Munden Coil Main Spring Conversion demands machining of the trigger guard, hammer and frame. See PRICE LIST.
When doing OPTION #1 customization on Rugers, Jeff replaces the stock springs with our custom springs. Jeff does not employ spring kits. He eliminates creep and makes the trigger pull nice and crisp. On the way to making the action silky smooth, Jeff hones and polishes the internal parts for maximum efficiency. See PRICE LIST.
“The trigger-pull work has not changed. As Bob always did, I set up a clean-breaking trigger pull of around a crisp two (2) lbs., or what the customer wants, within reason. I will not do super light, unsafe, triggers.” — Jeff Ault
Honing the Forcing Cone
When Jeff hones the Forcing Cone to 11 degrees, he dramatically reduces lead build up by making sure the cone area is truly round and by eliminating machining marks where lead build-up takes place. Jeff highly recommends honing the cone to improve accuracy.
Honing and Polishing Cylinder Chambers
Sighting In to POA
“All that action work won’t mean anything
if the gun doesn’t shoot straight.” — Jeff Ault
Most stock guns with fixed sights shoot low and to the left. Sighting one in correctly requires a lot of experience and time — and a special device called a barrel vice for turning the barrel in the frame at the range. Bob Munden did this for years. To ensure your SA is as accurate as the gun will allow, for an additional fee Jeff will also personally sight-in your gun at the gun range. Jeff will use your ammo if this is requested and provided, or he will use a standard velocity load to shoot to point of aim.
We encourage you to read our SHIPPING GUIDE before sending your guns to us. Note that Munden Enterprises offers free return shipping on full-package gun work orders, which is Option #1 including forcing cone and sight in, or on orders for Option #2.
Contact Munden Enterprises, Inc. by phone at 406-494-2833 (8am- 8pm MT) to talk with Jeff Ault or Becky Munden about Six-Gun Magic Custom Gun Work. You can also reach Jeff on the Six-Gun Magic Facebook page, which like the Bob Munden Official fan page on FB, is updated often.